Emerson Theater 12.01


The Melody Inn 12.24


<< Nov  Jan 2001 >>


December 2000

December 1, 2000
The Emerson Theater
Indianapolis In
w/Took and Jihad

Zoiks! The Emerson. The name itself has been around in the local indie scene for about 10 years. It used to be an actual theater until it was gutted and turned into a live music venue. Not wanting to screw up our chance at 'the big time' - we arrived early.

Way early.

We had to be there at 6pm. Not knowing what to expect, we got there at 5:30. Ugh. A half an hour of standing out in the cold and talking to Dave from Took. He was a decent down to earth kinda guy, which is always darn nice. The last thing you look forward to when meeting other bands, is attitude of somesort. Nothing like that with Took.

Eventually the owner arrived and let us in. Eager to be warm, the three bands rushed the entrance in a loading frenzy. Well.. ok - it wasn't that bad. We were damn cold though. the fourth band, Split Shift, wasn't going to make it, so we turned out to be the last act, and got to use the drum riser :) ... not to mention have the most room on stage - which always helps.

Time. Time passed. We tried to stay warm. The Emerson was damn cold. They had the heat on. but every time the doors opened, the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. Jihad played a damn amazing set. If there ever was a really really good local melodic rock band - they're it. Everyone should listen to Jihad They remembered us from a gig at Brooklyn Park and we remembered them. All was well. They're swell guys.

We played... well - we played. Opinions might vary as to how things went, but I couldn't hear a darn thing from Jarrod. I had to struggle a bit with hearing Ryan and Dave or Chessa were my only anchors to what was happening with the rest of the group. Thank god for practice. The true enjoyment came from being able to turn up the volume and be really really loud. Jumping around is fun too.

It did go ok. There were a few people listening - mainly Jihad and four or five friends or co-workers. I really really would like to play a show where people *stick around* for all of the bands. Ah well. Chessa's friend Dina has become our new Number One fan, whether she knows it or not.

<< Nov  Jan 2001 >>


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All information, sound files, lyrics and images are Copyright © 2000 Slack Jawed Yokel Music and Number Six. Nothing may be used without written consent of the band or its represenatives. For more information, please email us at six_music@yahoo.com.